PHP to remove unnecessary key and value pairs from any multi-dimensional array
Today I will share a snippet I've used in a project. Using that function, you can recursively...
Use vanilla JavaScript to make Ajax request
JavaScript AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a technique that gives the ability to send...
Add animation to bootstrap carousel elements
By default, Bootstrap carousel has no way to add animations to carousel elements. Here I'm going...
Create custom pagination template in Laravel
Laravel comes up with a paginator that generates HTML compatible with the Tailwind CSS framework....
Add Bootstrap Icons in SASS or SCSS
Bootstrap introduced their icons collection in November 2019 as Bootstrap Icons (v1.0.0-alpha). At...
Create autocomplete using vanilla JavaScript
To create autocomplete feature for input field(s), HTML's datalist tag can be the easiest...
Use gulp to automate SASS to CSS compilation
Gulp is a toolkit to automate & enhance our workflow. Most of the time, I use gulp for my SASS...
Easily update Node.js dependencies to their latest version
When you install a node.js package, you get the latest version. But, what if you need to get the...
Define global variables in laravel
Imagine you want to define some variables that can be accessed from anywhere in your laravel...
Run laravel artisan commands without ssh access
Laravel has its own command-line interface named Artisan. It has a list of useful commands. You'll...
Add watermark in Chart.js
Today I'm going to share another snippet for Chart.js, that you can use to put a watermark image...
Show Chart.js chart as image
I was working on a tool where I needed to show Chart.js chart as image. I'm going to share a...