Open the side panel by default in google chrome extension

Use vanilla JavaScript to make Ajax request

JavaScript AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a technique that gives the ability to send and receive data asynchronously from a web server. AJAX allows you to create rich, responsive user interfaces. It makes it easy to update data on the page without having to...
Open the side panel by default in google chrome extension

Create autocomplete using vanilla JavaScript

To create autocomplete feature for input field(s), HTML’s datalist tag can be the easiest solution. But it has limited styling and also some browser support issues. So, let’s create our own stylish autocomplete using vanilla JavaScript and Bootstrap for...
Use gulp to automate SASS to CSS compilation

Use gulp to automate SASS to CSS compilation

Gulp is a toolkit to automate & enhance our workflow. Most of the time, I use gulp for my SASS projects. In this article, I’ll show you how to use gulp to automate SASS to CSS compilation. First, let’s create a folder named sass and then initialize npm...