
Open the side panel by default in google chrome extension

To open the side panel by default in google Chrome extension, you can use the Side Panel API introduced in…

2 months ago

Use vanilla JavaScript to make Ajax request

JavaScript AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a technique that gives the ability to send and receive data asynchronously from…

3 years ago

Add animation to bootstrap carousel elements

By default, Bootstrap carousel has no way to add animations to carousel elements. Here I'm going to show you how…

3 years ago

Create autocomplete using vanilla JavaScript

To create autocomplete feature for input field(s), HTML's datalist tag can be the easiest solution. But it has limited styling…

3 years ago

Use gulp to automate SASS to CSS compilation

Gulp is a toolkit to automate & enhance our workflow. Most of the time, I use gulp for my SASS…

3 years ago

Easily update Node.js dependencies to their latest version

When you install a node.js package, you get the latest version. But, what if you need to get the latest…

3 years ago

Add watermark in Chart.js

Today I'm going to share another snippet for Chart.js, that you can use to put a watermark image or logo…

4 years ago

Show Chart.js chart as image

I was working on a tool where I needed to show Chart.js chart as image. I'm going to share a…

4 years ago

Create interactive html table using List.js

List.js is a tiny vanilla JavaScript library that adds search, sort, filters, and flexibility to plain HTML lists, tables, or…

4 years ago

Javascript to parse a CSV file and convert it into an HTML table

The Comma Separated Values, known as CSV file format is a very popular way to exchange data between applications. Now…

4 years ago